Thursday, June 16 | 7:00-11:00pm
Poster Unveiling | Meet and greet the Artist Cocktail Reception, featuring pianist Francisco Paz
Miami-Dade County Auditorium | 2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
(By invitation)
In collaboration with Miami-Dade County Auditorium | Co-sponsored by the Consulate General of Uruguay in Miami, Leon Medical Centers , and Bacardí USA

Thursday, July 7, through Sunday, July 24
Photography Exhibit | The MS ST. LOUIS
Curated by Armando Lucas Correa | Design and Installation by Ernesto Padilla
Carnival Studio Theater Lobby, Adrienne Arsht Center | 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
Co-presented by the Adrienne Arsht Center | Co-sponsored by Funding Arts Network (FAN) and Leon Medical Centers

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; July 7, 8, and 9 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 10 | 5:00pm
TEATRO LA MORENA | Montevideo, Uruguay
NO DARÉ HIJOS, DARÉ VERSOS (I Won’t Bring Forth Children But Poems)
Written and directed by Marianella Morena
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center |1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
TICKETS :: www.arshtcenter.org | 305.949.6722 | 866.949.6722 (toll-free)
(In Spanish)
Co-sponsored by the Consulate General of Uruguay in Miami
Three ways of looking at Delmira Agustini, the first female Latin American poet to write erotic poems, who was murdered by her ex-husband in 1914. A work performed by six singing actors in which the songs, complemented by a short film, are part of the story. The flesh and its weaknesses occupy both foreground and background, inviting the audience to elaborate further.

Thursday, July 7 | Immediately following the performance
Presentation of 2016 Life Achievement in the Performing Arts Award
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center | 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
Co-sponsored by the Consulate General of Uruguay in Miami

Friday and Saturday, July 8 and 9 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 10 | 5pm
TEATRO PROMETEO | Miami, Florida , USA
CACERÍA (The Hunt)
Freely adapted from Arthur Miller's The Crucible by Cristina Rebull and Iliana Prieto | Directed by Joann Yarrow and Cristina Rebull
Koubek Theatre, Miami Dade College | 2705 SW 3rd Street, Miami
TICKETS :: www.teatroprometeo.org | www.brownpapertickets.com | 305.237.3262
(In Spanish with English supertitles)
Gripped by collective hysteria, the town's teenage girls, with Abigail at the head, become the prosecutors in an unjust and cruel trial. Intolerance, absolute power and ignorance make it easy for a spurned young woman to become the driving force behind a ruthless witch hunt of innocents, giving rise to treason, fear, greed and human misery.

Friday and Saturday, July 8 and 9 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 10 | 5:00pm
SA’AS TUN | Yucatan, Mexico
DEL MANANTIAL DEL CORAZÓN (From the Wellspring of the Heart)
Written and directed by Conchi León
MDCA’s On.Stage Black Box Theatre | 2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
TICKETS :: miamidadecountyauditorium.org | 305.547.5414 | 800.745.3000 (toll free)
(In Spanish)
Sponsored by Miami-Dade County Auditorium | Co-sponsored by the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (INBA) de México, Dramafest en Movimiento, Teatro Babel, Secretaría de la Cultura y las Artes de Yucatan (SEDECULTA), and the Cultural Institute of Mexico in Miami
Pre- and post-delivery rituals and care among Yucatan women, the use of herbs and the popular practices designed to aid in childbirth. Audience participation in the Mayan baptismal ceremony in mestizo culture. The wooden cross, scissors, flowers, baskets and images of saints help us tell these stories, stories that when speaking of life end up speaking of death.

Friday and Saturday, July 15 and 16 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 17 | 5:00pm
LOS ESPEJOS DE DON QUIJOTE (Mirros of Don Quixote)
Written and directed by Alberto Herreros Salcedo
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center | 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
TICKETS :: www.arshtcenter.org | 305.949.6722 | 866.949.6722 (toll free)
Co-sponsored by Fundación Contamos Contigo; Comisión del Cuarto Centenario Cervantes 2016, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España; Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha; Instituto Cervantes; Urban Polymers; Fundación Contamos Contigo; Centro Cultural Español en Miami; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); and the Consulate General of Spain in Miami (In Spanish)
El Greco’s complex and forceful personality is tested at a decisive juncture. The artist's evaluation of “The Martyrdom of St. Maurice”, a third century painting being considered by Philip II for placement in the basilica at El Escorial in1577, could make El Greco the favorite court painter. The theme is freedom of choice and life in the face of established power.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; July 14, 15, and 16 | 8:30pm
GRUPO OJCURO | Buenos Aires, Argentina
LA ISLA DESIERTA (The Desert Island)
Written by Roberto Arlt and José Menchaca | Directed by José Menchaca
MDCA’s On.Stage Black Box Theatre | 2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
TICKETS :: miamidadecountyauditorium.org | 305.547.5414 | 800.745.3000 (toll free)
Sponsored by Miami-Dade County Auditorium | Co-sponsored by Secretaría de Integración Federal y Cooperación Internacional de Argentina - Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación, and the Consulate General of Argentina in Miami
Performed in total darkness, the piece proffers criticism of such contemporary problems as human automation, labor routines and bureaucratic tedium. An irritable and autocratic boss runs a tight ship of an office near a harbor. When he steps out, the office "gopher," inspired by the sounds of the ships, relates his adventures as a sailor, leading his co-workers to dream of a different life, free themselves of prejudices and seek the desert island.

Saturday, July 16 | 5:00pm
PIEDRA A PIEDRA (Stone by Stone)
Written and directed by Rosa Díaz
Island Room, Key Biscayne Community Center | 10 Village Green Way, Key Biscayne
Free admission and parking
RESERVATIONS :: 305.365.8900
Immediately following the performance, the children will be able to interact with the actor/puppeteer. This will be followed by a presentation by Short Chef, a lifelong culinary expert who has dedicated many years to educating children about proper nutrition.
In collaboration with the Key Biscayne Community Center | Sponsored by TARGET | Co-sponsored by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música (INAEM), the Key Biscayne Community Foundation, the Village of Key Biscayne, and the Marlins Foundation
Our soil is loaded with stones. If you search into their insides you will find more than just a stone. This show will awaken the children's imagination through inanimate objects. Stone by Stone tells the story of the Tin Man who, in his solitude, looks for friends, only to find rejection and prejudice of his neighbors.

Sunday, July 17 | 2:00 -7:00pm
MDCA’s On.Stage Black Box Theatre | 2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
Free admission and parking
INFORMATION :: miamidadecountyauditorium.org | 305.547.5414
2:00-3:00pm | Arts and crafts, rides, face painting, and distribution of combo meals
3:00-4:30pm | Workshops (acting, dance, voice/music, painting, and puppetry)
4:30-5:30pm | Presentation by workshop participants
6:00-7:00pm | PERFORMANCE (Bilingual):
PIEDRA A PIEDRA (Stone by Stone)
Written and directed by Rosa Díaz
In collaboration with Miami-Dade County Auditorium | Sponsored by TARGET | Co-sponsored by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música (INAEM), the Marlins Foundation, United Aliens Artists Foundation, TOY, and Global Dreams USA

Friday, July 22 | 2:00-5:00pm
Educational Conference | Current Trends in Latino and Latin American Performing Arts
BEATRIZ J. RIZK, Ph.D. | Educational Program Director
Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus, Building 2, Room 2106 | 300 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami 33132
Free admission and parking
INFORMATION :: 305.445.8877
(In Spanish and English)
In collaboration with Teatro Prometeo, Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; July 21, 22, and 23 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 24 | 5:00pm
TEATRO AVANTE | Miami, Florida, USA
Written by Mario Ernesto Sánchez and Patricia Suárez | Directed by Mario Ernesto Sánchez
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center | 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
TICKETS :: www.arshtcenter.org | 305.949.6722 | 866.949.6722 (toll free)
Co-sponsored by the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the National Endowment for the Arts, the State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, the Funding Arts Network (FAN), Leon Medical Centers , Jacobo Gold, James F. and JoAnn M. O’Neill, Richard Milstein, Erick Hankin, Dr. and Mrs. Jaime Edelstein, Naum Lusky, Jane and Onofre Torres, Agustin A. and Isis Recio, Books & Books, and Luzárraga Contractors, Inc. (In Spanish with English supertitles)
In the first half of the 20th century, no incident was more representative of both the United States' controversial immigration policy and the Cuban government's staggering apathy than the island nation's refusal in 1939 to allow 937 passengers on the MS St. Louis, most of them Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany, to land in Havana. Most of the refugees failed to find safe harbor and were forced to return to the terrifying Europe of Hitler's time. This play was inspired by that historical event.

Friday and Saturday, July 22 and 23 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 24 | 5:00pm
EL SISTEMA SOLAR (The Solar System)
Written and directed by Mariana de Althaus
MDCA’s On.Stage Black Box Theatre | 2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
TICKETS :: miamidadecountyauditorium.org | 305.547.5414 | 800.745.3000 (toll free)
Sponsored by Miami-Dade County Auditorium | Co-sponsored by Costamar and the Consulate General of Peru in Miami
(In Spanish)
One Christmas night, the Del Solar family comes together after many years. The sons, Pavel and Edurne, are estranged from their father because he left their mother for another woman: Paula, Pavel’s ex-girlfriend. What no one expects is that the father has a revelation in store that will set off a true crisis in the Solar system.
PLEASE NOTE | For security reasons, the United States has severely tightened restrictions on visas and other travel documents. Such restrictions may impair our ability to adhere to the published Festival schedule. Please bear with us and keep in mind that our program may change without notice. Thank you!